PC Temperature Alarm :
If your PC overheats, it could damage its expensive components. Here’s a circuit that warns you of your PC getting heated. Today’s computers contain most of the circuitry on just a few chips and reduced power consumption is a byproduct of this LSI and VSLI approach. Some PCs still have power supplies that are capable of supplying around 200W, but few PCs actually consume power to this extent. On the other hand, apart from some portable and small desktop computers that use the latest micro-power components, most PCs still consume significant amount of power and generate certain amount of heat. The temperature inside the average PC starts to rise well above the ambient temperature soon after it is switched on. Some of the larger integrated circuits become quite hot and if the temperature inside the PC rises too high, these devices may not be able to dissipate heat fast enough. This, in turn, could lead to failure of devices and eventually of the PC. Various means to combat overheating are available, ranging from simple temperature alarms to devices like temperature-activated fans to keep the microprocessor cool. Here is a temperature alarm that
activates an audio ‘beeper’ if the temperature inside the PC exceeds a preset threshold. This temperature is useradjustable and can be anywhere between 0°C and 100°C. The unit is in the form of a small PC expansion card, which you simply need to plug into any available slot of the host PC. It is powered from the PC and consumes only about 12 mA. The sensor (LM35) used here provides a substantial amount of on-chip signal conditioning, including amplification, level shifting and phase inversion. As a result, it provides an output of 10 mV per degree centigrade rise in temperature. It caters to a temperature measurement range of 0°C to 100°C, which corresponds to 0V to 1V
of voltage. The voltage-detector stage compares the output voltage of the temperature sensor with the preset reference voltage. The output of the comparator goes high if the output potential from the sensor exceeds the
reference voltage. When this happens, the voltage comparator enables a lowfrequency oscillator, which, in turn, activates the audio oscillator. The output of the audio oscillator is connected to a loudspeaker (LS1), which sounds a simple ‘beep-beep’ alarm. The reference voltage determines the temperature at which the alarm is activated. figure shows the circuit of the PC temperature alarm and Fig. shows the pin configuration of sensor LM35. IC LM35 (IC1) is an easy-to-use temperature sensor. It is basically a three-terminal device (two supply leads plus the output) that operates over a wide supply range of 4 to 20V.